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Netstar found that better marketing insights needn’t be a headache when they switched

The Challenge

As one of London’s top managed IT support and technology consulting companies, call data is crucial to Netstar. It tells the marketing team which touchpoints – from ads to webpages – are convincing people to pick up the phone, ask questions or partner with them. By using call tracking to link calls to clicks, they discover how, why and when buyer intent is generated (and therefore which sales messages work more effectively than others), leading to better budget planning.

When Netstar approached us, the relationship with their existing call tracking provider had reached breaking point. Customer support was thin on the ground and the system wasn’t user-friendly. Every day that passed without accurate call tracking in place meant another day without valuable caller insights and optimised marketing campaigns.

So we had to do three things. One: implement sharper, more capable tracking tools in their business. Two: keep everything simple and well-maintained from a user standpoint. And three: ensure the whole transition was as straightforward as possible.

The Solution

From the start, we made doubly sure that Netstar’s switch to ResponseTap was managed well and caused as little business disruption as possible. Our team was on hand to answer queries and get Netstar familiar with our call tracking software. When the tracking code was installed, we also went over it with a fine-tooth comb, making sure nothing would prevent Netstar from accessing the insights that would help them optimise their campaigns.

Our dashboard had already been built with ease-of-use in mind. Netstar found they could effortlessly track calls back to every strand of marketing activity – both online and offline – right there on the screen. They could also leverage built in attribution models to rank campaigns and assess their role in the customer journey. Tactics and individual ads were ready to be tested and compared.

This enabled Netstar to tackle their spend head-on. They could see, in real time, where their marketing spend (and the resources of their team) should be allocated.

The Result

Netstar finally has a system they can feel confident in. A much more intuitive dashboard means that they can access the information they need, when they need it. Soon enough, their increased understanding of where their calls were coming from had huge implications for their marketing plan.

It became clear that one of their lead generation activities wasn’t generating relevant leads. By stopping this activity, Netstar saved over £10,000 of marketing spend which they have been able to invest in more effective, activities. Their switch to ResponseTap continues to give them a fuller picture of the customer journey, and inform their marketing strategy.

"We now have a system we feel confident in. The dashboard is brilliant, and we can access all of the information we need. Although we were nervous about the switch, ResponseTap made it incredibly easy.”

Sarah Robson, Netstar

Marketing Manager

Straightforward pricing

With flexible call tracking prices, you only pay for what you use. With straightforward license fees and transparent call costs, we’ll keep your call tracking simple.

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